Friday, July 30, 2010

First Painted Art Journal Page,,,Ever!

This is my first EVER painted journal page!  I finally got out the paints and stuff and played with them all day.  So. much. fun!
My medium has always been digital and I didn't know where to start with the paints.  But thanks to Roben Marie's videos and encouragement, I plan to do lots more of these.  You can see her making art journal pages here and here.
Do you see that big blob up at the top that I couldn't get worked out and finally had to cover with print--but I like it that way!  How much fun is this???
As our beloved Mary Ann Moss says, "Anything can be fixed!" Whooo hoooo!


  1. Your first ever painted page?? Teach me how! It's just gorgeous and you used my favorite colors and my favorite paints!

    Thank you for the lovely comments on my blog. You have touched me in ways you cannot imagine. I will keep you in my prayers every day. A colleague in my office went through 2 bouts with chemo for ovarian cancer and she is cancer free 7 years later. Keep the faith and most importantly, keep on painting as I believe strongly that art heals the spirit.
