Saturday, December 11, 2010

Yay! Early Christmas from Mary Ann Moss

A happy Christmas gift from Mary Ann Moss: she's discounted her Stencilry and Stenciled & Stitched classes  for the month of December!  I am so in.  I've been wanting to take more of her online classes, since Remains of the Day was such a kick, and this was just the impetus I needed.

Yeah, more crazy art to come in the new year.

I'm also taking Roben-Marie's new mini workshop, Sewing Paper Gift Bags.  These bags are adorable, and Roben-Marie is as engaging as ever while showing how to create them. 

I hope you're finding some really fun things to do during this December.  Don't stress.  Relax. Decide what's really important and what feeds your soul and do those things. 

Blessings, Deborah


  1. I took a look BOTH THSE CLASSES look so fun.. if I find a money tree I am definitely in too!!

  2. I've just spent some time browsing through your blog and I love your collages - they are so beautiful.

    (We've obviously got some common interests - I'm in the Sewing Paper class and I've taken Remains of the Day, too!)

  3. I also took Remains of the Day and now I'm in a class with Jude Hill "Cloth on Cloth" It's a great class for winter and everything is sewn by hand!

  4. Deborah I'm so impressed!! I had no idea you were such an artist. I love what you said, "find what feeds your soul and do those things". That's going to be my New Year's Resolution. - Gena
